
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Following your Bliss

I love to be creative and was looking forward to taking pictures of all of my creations and posting them today.  However, the Universe, in all it's infinite wisdom decided I needed a break, and sent a dark storm our way.  The winds have howled, some snow has fallen and there has been rain falling cold and heavy.  I did brave the elements, but only to clear my head and get some much needed garden supplies.  That worked and I was able to see things more clearly and feel refreshed.

Our apartment is rather dank when the sun is not out, and taking the pictures I wanted to take was an absolute impossibility, so instead I worked on designs for a simple business card.  I settled on my  name, the name of my blog and my phone number.  If I can, I want to add an insignia or logo, I was thinking of a ball of wool with some knitting needles.

In all honesty, I have wanted a break for some time and not seen a way to take it.  Slowly I've been removing myself from things that don't work for me.  I have been working on having a good support network and finding my zen.  When I'm spinning and knitting, I find that sweet spot and never want to leave.

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