
Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Fiber By Any Other Name, Would Not Smell As Sweet!

I"m still playing with fiber, but in a back handed kind of way.  Today I'm spending the day writing, another fairy-tale.  I have one in the works, it's perhaps, more of a folktale, but it should be interesting.  I always believe that if you are making a collection of tales, there should be something in common with all of them.  I like to write cautionary tales, or stories where you learn something, either about yourself, or others.  Or perhaps just opening up your mind to the fact that some people think differently than you, and that's not a bad thing, in fact it can be quite extraordinary.  So although I will be typing on my computer, hopefully these stories will eventually hit paper.  Why not work on one of my other hobbies... one of my crafts... well lets just say I go gung-ho on things... and then find I need to give something a rest.  At this point... all that combing and then the spinning and knitting from morning to night has left my hands sore, stiff, red and bruised.  I don't mind and it's not a complaint, but right now I can't give it my all, so I let my hands rest for the next few days.  Once that's done, I should have a number of things to post.

Today's story, well the one started last night... is about an old bookseller who finds a little orphan girl and takes her in to live in the shop with him... Not sure where it will go.  I never am, these things seem to write themselves.  I do know there will be a caution in there, and something about curiosity and acceptance.  Mostly it's about family, about how you make family around you and love without thinking.  I'll throw a few other things in there, but this should be good.  If you get a chance, read The Tale of Bovid , it will make you laugh, and think.  Hopefully, by the end of today, I'll have my little tale done.

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