
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Arabian Knit Dreams

I have been working on these mitts, and a hat to match the last few days.  I sometimes get interrupted while I'm in the zone and I loose my concentration, there is a knock on the door, or someone wants something.  I depart my world of knitting and give a hand, I come back to my work and start up again, but I'm not yet in the zone and I find it hard to get back there.  Luckily I don't get so deep in that  getting back to where my head space at is a problem, but when it does occur, I unravel and start again, that is what happened with these.  I was counting cable stitches and just well my counter was adjusted, it was just one of those things, but I could really see the cable was off.  I tried to just go back a little, but no, the unfinished glove was telling me to unravel all and start from the beginning.  It was worth it... These knit up quickly after that and I am learning to say, I'll be with you when I'm done.  I'm working on a hat to match, when that's done I'll post.  this pair of fingerless mitts was fun to make and they are nice and warm.... I love the color; I call it Arabian Knight Blue, it reminds me of the deeply star speckled starlit skies in all those movies about the Arabian knights.

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